

Dixie About With more than four-and-a-half years experience as a Nursery School Assistant Teacher, Dixie has cared for children between the ages of 5 months to 8 years old and is adept in all aspects of childminding, including education and first-aid training. To give...


Brittany About With an extensive background in au- pairing – coupled with my fun-loving, warm, and caring personality – I am confident that I can provide excellent childcare to your family. For the past five years, I have served as an Au- Pair to numerous different...


Courtney About Courtney is an experienced 27-year-old au pair, who completed two years of BEd ECD at theUniversity of Pretoria and is now finishing off her studies through UNISA. Courtney has over 9 yearsof experience with au pairing and has worked with many families...
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